Violet Voice began in 2001 as a 4 page newsletter I printed on my home printer! That first issue had a distribution of 25! In 2002... the recent issue of African Violet Magazine gave the info for an African Violet Newsgroup.... and I discovered there were several online forums/groups ... all about African violets. WOW!
I opened a MSN group called The Violet Voice, as a place to share photos of my violets... Laurie was the first member, and soon there were 36 members! I would like to GIVE CREDIT to those first Charter Members, whom I count as Real Life Friends!
By 2003, we were holding a Violet of the Month contest, planning our first Virtual Violet Show, and there were so many posts, it was hard to keep up each day. We began to assign duties to other moderators and administrators. Soon, it took the pages of three group sites to contain all our information, discussion and projects! Our membership in 2008 numbered 795.
In 2009, MSN closed our group, so we moved to Yuku. Yuku did not allow us as many ways to host our group projects and unique games. But with the help of a HUGE group of talented moderators and administrators, we grew! Our membership grew to 860.
When our group was moved to Tapatalk, we found the format clumsy and hard to navigate.
We had even fewer options for organizing our messageboards.
Now, in 2018, it is time to say goodbye!
SPECIAL THANKS go to JanCarol, Anabel ( Sparkles ), LouiseT , LaurenW ,
and loyal members Genn ( LeviathanGirl ), Debbylvsviolets , Eileen ( Imadigger ), Violet ( sumirevbd ), Cheryldachs , Susan ( SneIrish ), Susan (susiebell), SusanInNorthGA, Verleen, Susan, BonnyS, AlanaC, and LaurieW.